Thursday, February 20, 2014

She Gives Me Fever

One of the many joys (/sarcasm) of being a parent is teaching kids to share. Sharing their toys, sharing their food etc but one thing I don't like them sharing are their illnesses. I've been doing pretty well on the sinus front for the last six months or so. I was probably getting a little complacent about it though. Last week my daughter starts with the sniffles. I get her OTC medicine to help treat the symptoms and think nothing much of it. I take her to the GP earlier this week as she's complaining of a sore throat still. This kid has a history of tonsillitis and came very close to getting them out a few years back. Turns out she's fine and there's next to no inflammation (always a blessing).

However, the day before I take her to the Dr, I notice the niggling feeling of a cold. Just feeling blah with a nose dripping like a leaky tap. On Tuesday night I go to the local pharmacy and ask for some Sinus tablets. I opt for the pharmacy brand because it's cheaper and generally works the same. I pop a few pills and soldier through the night shift at work. Yesterday I feel a little more lethargic, grumpy and generally unwell yet I manage to get through an extended shift without killing anybody. Always a bonus.

Today however I wake up in a pool of sweat. I down some Neurofen and go do my volunteer shift with my local thrift store. It's nice and airconditioned (unlike my home) and I seem to be fine. Then I step outside after my shift and it's like an elephant just sat on my face. You see, the last few days have been the typical monsoonal rainy deluges that we get in this lovely tropical climate. When it's raining the temperatures are actually quite tolerable but when it stops, especially in summer, it becomes so unbearably hot and humid it's like you have to force yourself to breathe.

Now, normally this wouldn't be too much of a challenge but add in the blocked sinus cavities to this hot, humid and horrible weather and it becomes significantly more difficult to breathe. One thing I'm glad about is that I don't have to work to night, or tomorrow night so I can rest up and try and and obtain more of a sense of wellness than I do right now. All I can say is that my supply of medication is doing me well (for now). My fever has somewhat abated and I'm a little more comfortable. I just wish my daughter didn't feel like sharing her bugs with me. Bleah.

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