Wednesday, March 12, 2014

So Tired of Waking up Tired....

This song comes to mind. I remember going to a Hoodoo Gurus concert quite some time ago and hearing them perform this song live. There have been many days where I've felt that my life kinda revolves around this song. This week in particular has been somewhat difficult. I know I'm not getting enough sleep. Partially due to insomnia and also partially due to my parent's dog.

I am unfortunately or fortunately (at least I have a roof over my head), as a thirtysomething am living with family again along with my 8yo daughter. The joys of living with family (read that as parents and an autistic brother) is that you have no privacy. My father, bless his cotton socks, likes to talk. A LOT! He'll pop his head into my 1/4 of the house and babble on forever if I let him.

Anyway, I'm digressing (as it's now almost 3 am and I'm yet to get any shuteye). My father bought a new dog (to keep the other dog company and help guard the fort) back in October. A rather small bundle of Australian Cattle Dog by the name of Lucky. Alas, rather small bundles tend to grow into rather large bundles. This bundle is now bigger than the other dog, still growing like a weed and has a habit of barking at things. Mostly between the hours of 2 and 4 am. The hours when I'm trying to get some sleep.

This dog has been barking at the curlews running relay races down the street, has been barking at the flying foxes having tantrums over the nectar in the trees in bloom next door and has also undoubtedly been barking at her own shadow. I swear she does. I'm sure in her puppy brain she goes "OMG! It's a shadow! Must BARK!". I yell at her, whistle and curse under my breath but she's pretty persistent with the barking. I call this her 'Moon Moon' phase hopefully she'll grow out of it (she probably barks at the moon too). Anybody who is as much of an internet junkie as I am will know of the unfortunate meme wolf Moon Moon. (for those that don't there's a clicky link provided to explain this meme)

While Lucky is venting her spleen at bogeymen and shadows I am getting very little, or at best, interrupted sleep. Therefore I'm not rested and I get really cranky (I'm irritable at the best of times but without sleep I akin myself to that of a hibernating bear that's been rudely awakened). I also work night fill which means I don't get home until after midnight and it takes me a few hours to wind down. As soon as I drift away into the sweet embrace of slumber I start dreaming of barking only to realise I'm not dreaming anymore and have been rudely awakened.

At least I'm not working later today and I can have a bit of a kinder kip throughout the day. Hopefully without the barking.

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