Monday, May 6, 2013

Let the Rain Fall.

Well, today it's cold, wet and miserable. Ok, fine, it's not that cold. It's barely 20C but I feel it. Especially since our daytime temps are in the low to mid 30s even heading towards winter. There are things I wanted to do today but alas the rain has put paid to it. I'm currently watching my cats curled up at the foot of the bed. All three of them this time. I don't really want to get out of bed either. It's warm and snuggly and perfect for reading books or watching bad TV on my laptop. Alas I have things I need to do today. 

It's that time again. Time to get my eyes checked. I consider myself lucky that as a thirtysomething my eyes are still good enough not to require corrective lenses. Last time I had them checked I still had better than 20:20 in both eyes. Most of my friends wear glasses now though. I feel like the odd one out. The one who has gotten away with it for so long. I know it won't be forever so I'm going to enjoy it while it lasts. 

Aside from that and taking my daughter to her swimming lesson later this afternoon (good thing it's a heated pool or I'd hear the whines from miles away about it being cold) and the looming optometrist appointment I've been doing a lot of procrastinating. I'm trying to find a new job. Anything will do and I'm sending my resume out to anything that I think I'd have even only a remote chance of getting. I really liked my last job but alas with Government funding cuts (they're a not-for-profit entity) they couldn't afford to keep me on the books as a part timer. Though they have found enough funding to employ me for two weeks in the near future to help them move offices. I'm a firm believer that any work is better than no work.

The employment situation in my town is pretty grim. Recent feedback from jobs I've managed to interview for tell me that at least 100+ people are applying for one position. Out of the hundreds that are applying, employers are interviewing maybe 5 - 10 people and then picking the best out of that. I've been lucky to get interviews I guess. I'm also trying to improve my education to get a better job. I submitted my final assessment for the most recent module and contacted my education provider to enquire as to why I hadn't received the next module (I study externally because I enjoy the self paced style). Turns out the computer system glitched and my next one was mailed out yesterday so in the meantime I play the hurry up and wait game.

Even without work I am able to get by on what I have. I receive a small pension due to my disability which is enough to help keep me afloat until I find something. Coming to terms with the fact that I can't work to the same degree as what I did before my diagnosis (not that I was working well during that either) has been difficult. I should probably stop thinking about this as it will get me further down that rabbit hole where I don't wish to be.

I just wish I could be more like my cats. All of their whims taken care of with nary a worry in the world. If only.

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